Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Some things you can't leave behind

The best intentions are so quickly perverted by technology.

Instead of writing about the images and encounters which fill my head here in Hawaii, I have found myself fiddling around for frustrating hours on end trying to solve the problem of photo sync. It worked before. Why has it stopped?

Is it because of the new Sim installed in the iPhone for travelling? The Sim is a nuisance in its own right. It makes me have to put international codes in front of existing numbers to make a call. It has removed the identity on all my contacts, leaving just numbers. It seems to allow message to some and not others. It doesn’t like sending photos by message.

Meanwhile, photos show up fine on the phone and also on Google Photo on the phone. But they will not transfer to the laptop, which is where I want them.

Of course, everything you ever wanted to know is on the Internet. So, in a spirit of positivity, I have trawled the Google and iPhoto help discussions and geek corners looking for solutions. Yes, I have opened Google photos in both phone and laptop with a good wireless connection. No. The last photo is still from before I left Australia… No, I don’t think I want a new Backup app. The photos are not here to back up. Yes, I have checked all the settings on the phone...

So, since I want to just get on with things, I am now emailing photos one at a time from the phone so I can pick them up and pop them in a folder to post on the blog. Clunky, and time-consuming.

Meanwhile, some people complain that they can’t access the blog, especially on a phone.

Another baffling tech impasse.

Blogger is one of the oldest of all blog platforms. I have been using it for since the blog year dot and used it for in 2008 as well. No one had a problem getting to me.

Now they do?


I’m working on it.

I’m spending so much time on tech troubles that I’ve barely had a chance to get on with content.

Just saying.

I can hear a cardinal singing outside the window. I didn’t know they had cardinals in Hawaii.

Interesting birdlife here.

No seagulls. Tiny, delicate short-legged zebra doves on the beaches instead.

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